Comments on: Baguette boules: The BB recipe The place for the ambitious home baker Sun, 05 Jan 2025 13:07:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Weekend Bakers Sun, 04 Aug 2024 13:42:13 +0000 In reply to Jeanne C.

That is exactly what this loaf is, chewy without the gummy and crunchy but easy to bite into.
Thank you again for sharing your experience and baking knowledge and the idea for using apple cider vinegar.

We do not have a sourdough version of this recipe, but if you at any moment feel like giving sourdough another try, we would suggest our mini boules:…i-boulles/
or our sourdough pita recipe:…ough-pita/
People have commented that it was a good way for them to start their sourdough baking journey and get that first success that hopefully taste like you want more.

Enjoy your baking!

By: Jeanne C Tue, 30 Jul 2024 20:34:57 +0000 In reply to JEANNE CULLEN.

Again, excellent results with this recipe. I’ve had nothing but fails with my sourdough attempts, but this recipe is right on. I did a boule and batard and both rose so well! The crumb was open, moist, chewy but not gummy. Golden crunchy crust but not jaw breaking. I did a roasting pan over the water-spritzed bread (baked on a stone) but didn’t get the glossy, blistery crust I’d hoped for–but that didn’t effect the taste 🙂 . To try to get the sour taste we love I did swap 1 T. water for 1 T. raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar and the flavor was good but not loud. I might try 2 T. next time. Thank you!

By: JEANNE CULLEN Thu, 19 Oct 2023 17:42:29 +0000 Followed your recipe exactly as written and had my greatest success thus far in my bread baking journey! I divided the dough into 2/3 for a boule, 1/3 for a baguette. By shaping time I knew I had a good thing–very puffy and light but strong enough to hold shape and rise without a dutch oven. (After scoring & spritzing I did put an aluminum roasting pan over each and got beautiful, golden, blistery crusts). I was further rewarded with very open, light, moist crumb and great chew. The baguette was so “holey” it could pass as ciabatta! I usually use a cheaper bread flour but used KA this time and have to think it makes a difference. This is a forever recipe for me. Thank you!

By: Louise Lalande Sat, 21 Jan 2023 22:44:45 +0000 Hello, wonderful recipe but the two breads were very large and with my oven at 455F they only took 30 minutes to be completely cooked.

By: Ed Tue, 10 May 2022 20:41:24 +0000 I have a fan oven, what temp do you recommend?
which shelf in the oven?

By: ML Wed, 26 Jan 2022 04:25:42 +0000 I’m sort of new to making artisan bread, without success:( I started last year but quit and now picking it up again. Baguette boules is the recipe I was looking for but my dough never look so smooth during the stretch and pull as pictured (problem 1.) I followed the recipe as is and baked my loaves. My loaves came out without ears (problem 2.) I haven’t cut it, so I don’t know how airy it is. Please help me with my problem 1 and 2.

My flour only has 3 grams of protein for every 30 grams (10%). To remedy that, I bought wheat gluten and added about 3 tablespoon of that to the dough above. Is that wrong?

Any suggestion as to how much wheat gluten to add to my flour?

By: Kyle Thu, 04 Mar 2021 20:49:53 +0000 Cheers for the recipe. I was wondering if it would be possible to make one boule of 1kg (fits in my proving basket). And if so, how I should change the baking time accordingly.

Thanks in advance!

By: Louise Sun, 24 Jan 2021 23:07:26 +0000 Hello, not sure if my oven heats up more but it only took 28 minutes to bake these loaves to an internal temperature of 190 F, otherwise a really great recipe!

By: Katherine Thu, 19 Nov 2020 11:21:36 +0000 Any tips for making this bread at 8000 ft of altitude?

By: Weekend Bakers Mon, 19 Oct 2020 15:05:56 +0000 In reply to Lili.

Thank you so much Lili, for sharing your experience and making us part of your baking journey this way. You did very well with the tools and ingredients you had at hand.
And scoring is something you can keep practicing and get a chance to improve with each bake. A sharp blade and maybe a few of our tips will surely give you better results!…onfidence/
You can also experiment with the proofing, brand of flour you use, amount of these things can have impact on your scored loaf and the way it opens.

Above all, enjoy your baking moments and your home made bread.
It’s the best! 🙂

By: Lili Tue, 13 Oct 2020 14:29:27 +0000 In reply to Lili.

Unfortunately I still have not quite aced scoring – I’m going to get a proper lame to try and improve 😉

By: Lili Tue, 13 Oct 2020 14:28:28 +0000 Hi Ed & Marieke!

I’ve now made this bread twice and it is by far the best bread I’ve made – I don’t have a sourdough starter and don’t really have the patience and commitment needed to keep it going, so it’s been exciting to try a recipe with a poolish for the first time.

The first time I made the bread, it was exactly according to your recipe and turned out beautifully (both in taste and look!).

I thought you would like to know that even after realising after taking my poolish out of the fridge that I didn’t have enough white bread flour, it still turned out wonderfully!
I had already substituted 80g of the poolish for a mix of spelt and wholewheat bread flour based on a previous comment so was very nervous about needing to use more wholewheat flour instead of white flour. This is the proportions I ended up using:
– 300g white bread flour + 80g spelt/wholewheat bread flour mix in poolish
– 160g white bread flour + 140g wholewheat bread flour + 60g plain flour in the portion of flour added to the poolish. I had to add a tiny bit more water as well.

It still turned out deliciously! It is a bit less beautiful as I think the dough was a little too wet so it didn’t shape as nicely, but the texture is bubbly and chewy with a really nice nutty taste.

Thank you for making such a wonderful recipe that is actually very adaptable, even for a baking novice who doesn’t check their ingredients first 🙂

Best wishes,

By: Weekend Bakers Sun, 06 Sep 2020 16:53:42 +0000 In reply to Melinda.

Hello Melinda,
Yes, that is a great option. In fact, it is our preferred method and we keep bread in the freezer all the time. With this high hydration bread it is no problem at all. You can even slice it and take the slices you need out of the freezer.

Enjoy your baking!

By: Melinda Sat, 05 Sep 2020 17:19:46 +0000 Hello,
Since this makes two loaves I am wondering if one loaf could be frozen after baking. I could cut the recipe in half but with the time involved it would be nice to be able to tuck one into the freezer for later.

By: Weekend Bakers Sat, 05 Sep 2020 14:08:14 +0000 In reply to Heidibella.

Hello Heidi,
You can use the print option in your browser and then you will get the version without pictures and so on.

Enjoy your baking!

By: Heidibella Sat, 05 Sep 2020 13:20:26 +0000 Love this recipe, but just wondering how I could print a shorter version??
Am I missing the link?

By: Weekend Bakers Mon, 08 Jun 2020 10:38:36 +0000 In reply to Yusra Yusoff.

Hello Yusra,
That sounds excellent. Very happy the recipe is such a success, also with the addition of spelt and wholewheat. Very good to know, because we actually never do this.

Enjoy your crusty boules!

By: Yusra Yusoff Fri, 05 Jun 2020 18:21:51 +0000 Loaves just came out of the oven and they’re gorgeous! Swapped out some flour for Spelt and Wholewheat. The dough was really easy to handle. Thanks so much for the great recipe! It’s going to be my go to while I try to use up my massive pack of instant yeast 🙂

By: Weekend Bakers Thu, 21 May 2020 14:35:14 +0000 In reply to Pierre-Alain.

We think it will definitely get better with the lame and as for the flour, we would recommend trying a mix with the strong flour and type 55, equal amounts to start.

Have fun with this ‘mere a boire’ of possibilities!

By: Pierre-Alain Thu, 21 May 2020 11:15:59 +0000 In reply to Weekend Bakers.

Thanks for your reply!

I am in fact making a batch as we speak (there have to be some benefits to the lockdown!). Thanks for the tips, I do think my biggest issue is not going deep enough, but that is because my knife isn’t sharp enough and the bread is being flattened and tearing. I will sharpen it today and I have a lame on order so fingers crossed.

As it makes two, I might try one the usual method and I’ll put the other in the fridge straight after shaping and check how long it takes and if it scores better!

I read your flour guide recently and I do think that will make a difference- I have been using a supermarket bread flour (12% protein). I managed to order some stoneground flour last night from a local windmill: very strong canadian, strong UK/continental mix and t55. With those options available, do you have a recommendation for a flour mix?

I possibly add too much steam, so that is probably not my problem. The kitchen ends up like a hammam 😀

Thank you for taking the time to reply and your encouragement, and for giving me the bread baking bug, it gives me such pleasure.
