Comments on: Our favorite whole wheat levain loaf The place for the ambitious home baker Sun, 05 Jan 2025 13:05:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: Weekend Bakers Thu, 23 May 2024 12:02:30 +0000 In reply to Maureen.

Hello Maureen,
We most often use normal bread / wheat flour for dusting the baskets and the bottoms of the bread, which works well for us. Some bakers also advice to use rice flour or (coarse) semolina or corn meal, because of the added texture to the loaf and the better non-stick properties, especially when making high hydration sourdough bread. Our favorite suggestion of these flours for you to try would be the semolina.

The most important thing is to prep your new baskets so that after this process, you can be sure that with a good dusting of flour before each bake, the loafs, with the help of gravity, fall out of their baskets with ease :
Also see…-banneton/

Enjoy your baking!

By: Maureen Mon, 20 May 2024 16:38:37 +0000 What kind of flour are you using in your Banneton and on the bottom of boule in the basket?

By: Jiggy Fri, 04 Nov 2022 14:24:27 +0000 if I am not using sourdough culture in the poolish, how do I incorporate active dry yeast instead?

By: Cheryl Tue, 01 Feb 2022 19:10:26 +0000 Thank you so much for this recipe! I am just getting back into sourdough again after a 4-year break. I had a recipe that I had used before, and it just didn’t work well for me. This time I decided to try this recipe which had been sitting in my collection of sourdough recipes all this time. I converted the grams into cups using an online calculator, and went for it. I’m so glad I did! It’s such a simple recipe and I can work off of it to experiment and do all kinds of other fun stuff.

By: Heimo (Mo) Scheer Wed, 09 Dec 2020 14:57:13 +0000 Just sending you a note to thank you for a wonderful, nay, fantastic recipe. I had a white sourdough starter, but that would go bad on me fairly often, so I have now been using a rye starter for years. Call me lazy, call me cheap, but I just cannot get myself to feed the sourdough with the accompanying tossing out of much of the sourdough. I have left it untouched in the fridge for several weeks, maybe as much as 8 on occasion due to travel, but try as I might, I cannot kill it. I live in the Boston area, and a decent rye cannot be found anywhere. Being of Austrian decent, I just need a half-decent rye every now and then, so I did not care I could not bake much else with the rye starter. So when I saw your recipe using the rye starter, I was as thrilled as much as I was doubtful it would work. I mean, how can 15g SD starter work when I am used to using maybe 20x that for my rye bread? I tend to drift to EU sites for recipes, and I figured that this would be another flour-based recipe that just won’t work well with US flour, at least that has been my experience on a variety of Christmas cookie recipes. And when I put the first batch in the oven (a countertop Breville with a pizza stone, so hardly anything fancy), I was certain I was going to a thickish pancake of a bread. Wrong. I have been a doubting Thomas three times now, “Come on, this just cannot work”, but every bread has come out tasting wonderful with a very decent crumb (my daughter bakes a better bread than I, so I cannot say “excellent crumb” by her standards, but by my standards, pretty much the best crumb I have done with this kind of bread). So I am here only to thank you for giving me an additional and outstanding use to my rye starter.

Prachtige Feestdagen!

By: Janine Fri, 06 Nov 2020 20:02:00 +0000 Hallo Ed en Marieke,
Mooie site en geweldige recepten!
Dit brood heb ik nu een keer of wat gebakken en de smaak is heerlijk en eigenlijk ben ik al best tevreden. Alleen maak ik mij zorgen over het volgende: het deeg is en blijft zo slap. Het resultaat ziet er uiteindelijk goed uit en het brood heeft flinke gaten. Alleen wanneer ik het uit het mandje stort, zakt het flink uit en in de oven komt het wel iets omhoog, maar niet veel. Het wordt dus een lage brede bol. Liever heb ik een stevige bol die ik mooi kan insnijden. Bij het opbollen al plakt het enorm en is het onhandelbaar. Wat zou dit kunnen zijn, wat kan ik hieraan doen?
Hoop dat jullie een tip hebben, dank vast!

By: Weekend Bakers Tue, 06 Oct 2020 10:23:55 +0000 In reply to Deb.

Hello Deb,
It is really best to follow the recipe. We do not know what you did in the end, but doubling the time of the poolish will probably result in an over-proofed preferment unless you put it in the fridge!

By: Deb Mon, 28 Sep 2020 15:54:20 +0000 Hi,
I have a great healthy looking starter now. I got so excited I made my poolish straight away but probably won’t start to make my first loaf at 9pm tonight! So, can I leave the poolish 24 hours instead of the recommended 12??

By: Weekend Bakers Mon, 28 Sep 2020 07:37:18 +0000 In reply to Ilona.

Dank je wel Ilona, wat fijn om deze feedback te krijgen.
Geniet van het bakken en smullen 🙂

By: Ilona Mon, 21 Sep 2020 14:27:45 +0000 Perfecte recept!!! Heerlijk brood, al 3 x gebakken afgelopen week. Ik heb al veel verschillende recepten uitgeprobeert maar deze is zeker mijn favorite en de lekkerst brood! Bedankt voor de recept 🙂

By: Weekend Bakers Mon, 14 Sep 2020 08:12:30 +0000 In reply to LiLian.

We love your results with our recipes LiLian! And thank you for sharing pictures of your bakes:

Great we can be a part of your baking success in this way.

Lots of loaves,
Ed & Marieke

By: LiLian Sat, 12 Sep 2020 16:53:54 +0000 Hi Ed & Marieke –

Another great recipe! It’s as you described: ‘crusty and creamy crumb, with a complex, sweet taste’. I was a bit surprised! I confess that I autolysed before adding the salt. I have posted a picture.

Thanks again – just love your site.

By: Weekend Bakers Fri, 21 Aug 2020 11:01:26 +0000 In reply to Henrike.

Hello Henrike,
Ja dat kan heel goed. Wij zouden een volgende keer zeker een paar % extra water toevoegen en even kijken hoe het deeg aanvoelt. Ook het rijzen speelt een rol. Vaak zien wij dat mensen niet ver genoeg (durven) gaan met het proces. Het meten van de temperatuur van het deeg in verhouding tot de tijd is belangrijk om dit proces te sturen.
Ook het minimaal gebruiken van bloem tijdens het vouwen en vormen van het deeg is belangrijk. Soms loont het ook om verschillende (merken) bloem en meel uit te proberen. Wij hebben echt onze favorieten voor het beste resultaat.
Zie ook:…ent-mills/

Het is een proces waarbij je met elk baksel vorderingen maakt en meer leert (en soms ook een stapje terug doet). Ondertussen eet je toch heel goed en lekker brood, ook al zijn de gaten kleiner!

Veel bakplezier,
Ed & Marieke

By: Henrike Wed, 19 Aug 2020 17:00:29 +0000 Beste Ed en Marieke,

Ik heb met veel plezier dit recept gebakken. Het brood smaakt heerlijk, echter zitten er weinig gaten in bij mij. Tijdens het ontwikkelen viel mij op dat het deeg bij mij niet heel plakkerig was, in tegenstelling tot wat ik lees in de commentaren. Kan het zijn dat de verhouding water en meel (bij het meel dat ik heb gebruikt) niet ‘nat genoeg’ is? En zou ik de volgende keer dan water moeten toevoegen tot het plakkeriger voelt? Of zit het in het rijzen?
Ik kon deze comment niet kwijt bij de Nederlandse versie, vandaar onder een Engelstalige post in het Nederlands.

Met vriendelijke groet,

By: Weekend Bakers Tue, 21 Jul 2020 11:47:44 +0000 In reply to Amelia.

Hello Amelia,
You can add seeds to the dough and keep the rest the same, no problem.
Stick to a total of around 10 to 15% of the total flour amount to begin with and go up to 20% if you like the method and result. You can add dry seeds to the dough with the rest of the ingredients for this recipe, or you can use the soaker method by soaking the seeds in water the evening before use for example. Usually you take double the weight of the seeds for the water. The next day you add this to the dough. People also do this at various stages of the process, in the beginning or even folding them in during the first stretch and fold. You can also lightly toast them before adding. So lots of options and things to experiment with.
A good ratio for a popular 4 seed loaf is 2-2-1-1 for pumpkin, sunflower, flax and sesame seeds.

Enjoy the process and the baking!

By: Weekend Bakers Mon, 20 Jul 2020 18:37:12 +0000 In reply to Fiona Branagh.

Hello Fiona,
Thank you for adding your variations on the recipe. You should not add more flour to the dough unless it is a tiny bit if you can judge your dough for a given recipe is on the very wet side, but here are some tips to help you:…ion-dough/
Above all, it is something to get used to and practice and somehow the dough that seemed too sticky is not that sticky anymore!

Enjoy your baking!

By: Amelia Sun, 19 Jul 2020 01:45:47 +0000 If I wanted to add seeds, would the amount of ingredients be the same? How can I add some seeds?

By: Fiona Branagh Wed, 15 Jul 2020 02:28:17 +0000 Thanks for this. I used it as my starter recipe and then made my substitutions for extra nutrition and flavour. Substituted 1/4 cup of rye flour, 1/4 cup of flax meal,1/2 cup of cooked steel cut oats. Added 1/4 of sunflower seeds and sprinkled pumpkin seeds on top. It turned out great. I’m learning that sourdoughs need to be pretty wet — high hydration I think the professionals call it. I find kneading by hand to sticky. Any tips for dealing with that? Should I be adding more flour? Thanks again, yours in sourdough baking.

By: Weekend Bakers Sun, 31 May 2020 08:01:07 +0000 In reply to aura stratu.

Hi Aura,
Well it depends on the temperature of your fridge, but you can almost depend on it that you would need several hours still to get it to the right proofing stage, so keep this in mind. The only way to be sure for your specific conditions is to just give it a go.
If you want to use only spelt as a substitute for wheat, then be prepared that it is challenging to get a good loaf. The dough is much more fragile and the gluten structure weaker. We would suggest to start with a % spelt and build it from there. If you want to use spelt, partially or 100%, you do need to adjust the water amount too. It can range from 5% to close to 20%, also depending on the way the flour behaves and absorbs. You need to judge the texture, look and feel of the dough, this also comes with experience, so just give it a try with a little less water. Handle the dough carefully, gentle kneading with spelt is always advisable.
Hope it will be good!

By: aura stratu Thu, 28 May 2020 10:52:06 +0000 In reply to aura stratu.

and secondly if I use spelt flour can I use the same proportions? Or should I adjust something? Thanks a lot
