Always looking forward to making pizza during the weekend. Be it classic with mozzarella and tomatoes, or my favorite alternative with pear and taleggio cheese. Of course making your own pizza dough is the way to go… [Read More...]
Best bread recipes
No Knead: Muesli Whole Grain Spelt Loaves with Cherries & Pistachios
I like to wake up slowly and make my breakfast in a relaxed way, not in a hurry. But sometimes you look at the clock and you know you have to fly and you know you’re off to a bad start. Grabbing something along the way usually results in horrible food choices at gas stations! That’s one of the reasons I came up with… [Read More...]
Making Buttermilk Biscuits – Try not to Fumble
Ever since I first read about American buttermilk biscuits I have been intrigued by them. First there was confusion because of the word biscuit. In the UK a biscuit is a cookie (the word cookie, comes from our Dutch word ‘koekje’ and was adopted in the US centuries ago). But wait, this biscuit looks like what the British like to call a scone. And the Americans do not seem to … [Read More...]
Favorite Flatbreads: My Version of Soft Polar Bread
A few years ago I had braces (yes I was very late) and for over a year crusty baguettes weren’t compatible with me. I was more comfortable with soft foods and things I could drink with a straw. That year we visited Norway and I found this wonderful soft bread in a Coop supermarket, which at the time was like walhalla. It was called polarbröd and it turned out to be… [Read More...]
Pizza Dough with a Poolish
If you you are not stressed for time and are looking for maximum taste, try and make my favorite pizza dough, using a poolish preferment. A poolish is made in a minute, the only thing is you have to think in advance… [Read More...]
Our Recipe for Veggie Danish
This recipe is of our own invention but these buns are very much inspired by our visit to the Eden Bakery at the Eden project in Cornwall. After failing to find any kind of recipe for them, we started experimenting and came up with our own version of this savory concoction. The possibilities for the filling are endless… [Read More...]
No Knead Soft Sourdough Rolls
No kneading, only a bit of stirring and lots of time, and of course the best ingredients you can find, anyone with a bowl can make these rolls. You end up with heaps of taste and a terrific texture. Soft and very resilient with notes of nutty sweetness and subtle sour. In short, I love everything about these rolls… [Read More...]
Making Ciappe : Italian Olive Oil Crackers with Rosemary
I used to buy ciappe and always liked them as a lovely way to cure a craving for something salty or when on the run. For some reason beyond my comprehension it did not sink in to make them myself. Which is strange because ‘what’s in it and can I make this myself’ is usually my first though when encountering… [Read More...]
Making a Crusty White Loaf
I believe there are few things more rewarding than baking bread. The dough, the smell, the cracking of the crust, the warm oven. Eat this loaf while it’s still warm with fresh dairy butter and soft dark brown sugar. I love making this bread with fresh yeast. Use 20 grams of fresh instead of the […] [Read More...]
Deliciously Satisfying Muesli Buns
I like these buns because they make you feel healthy and happy. They taste so good and every bite you take is a little different from the next, because there’s so much going on with all the different ingredients… [Read More...]