Click here for the Dutch version of this post
Surprised you just don’t seem to get the baking results you are aiming for? Take a look at our list. Did you take all these things into account or did you just wing it? [Read More...]
Bread baking tips
Baking bread: The use of proofing baskets
We translated this earlier posting about proofing baskets in Dutch to English because of questions we got from novice bakers, about what type of baskets to use and how to use them. If you are a fledgling baker and want to use bannetons for the first time, take a look at our video on how to prepare them! [Read More...]
FACQ – Frequently Asked Croissant Questions
A lot of (first time) croissant bakers ask pretty much the same questions when tackling this challenging pastry. We composed a list of the top questions with our answers. Pretty sure your question will be… [Read More...]
What you need to know about gluten
Gluten have been getting a lot of bad press. But what are gluten? Gluten are the main structure builders in your bread, they hold the air and give your bread a chewy and elastic texture. When you knead your flour and water into a dough, the wet gluten interlink with each other and form… [Read More...]
Baker’s percentage demystified
You may ask yourself: As a home baker, do I really need this baker’s percentage stuff to make a good loaf of bread? The answer is no, you don’t. But, if you are fond of numbers and want to know what others… [Read More...]
A baker’s dozen: Our 12 plus 1 best baking tips!
Giving you our top tips to enhance your bread baking, based on our own experience. These rules have guided us and have helped us to improve our baking a lot over the years… [Read More...]
Video: How to ‘break in’ a new banneton
It is important to prepare your banneton before use to avoid dough sticking incidents, but above all to get great looking loaves! This is especially true… [Read More...]
Salt in bread baking: how much and why
A while ago we took a closer look at the percentage of salt we put into our bread. If you are a big bread eater, chances are high you get a lot of your daily salt… [Read More...]
Making your own diastatic malt
Simply said; diastatic malt is a grain which has been sprouted, dried and grounded into a powder. Diastatic malt powder is the “secret ingredient” savvy bread bakers use to promote a strong rise, great … [Read More...]
A sprouting adventure
At the moment we are experimenting with sprouting. Sprouting is a way to make whole unmilled grains edible and usable in a loaf of bread. You partly germinate the grains, the enzymes in the grain change… [Read More...]