These sourdough making and bread baking tips aim to help you with your sourdough bread baking. Maybe you have your sourdough starter culture ready and active. If not, please check out our tutorial on how to… [Read More...]
Bread baking tips
Understanding flour types
Flour quality and type are the essence of good bread. It all begins with buying the right kind for your recipe! This flour overview teaches you more about flour types and how they are referred to in different countries… [Read More...]
Artisan bread baking tips: Dough mixing & kneading
Properly mixed dough is the first critical step to achieving great bread. Understanding what happens during the kneading process helps to determine if you are on the right track.
So, based on our own baking experience… [Read More...]
Tips & tricks for bread oven & other stone oven users
Klik hier voor de Nederlandse versie
Having a few years of stone oven usage under our belts we thought it would be useful to gather a few tips and tricks about the use and cleaning of these ovens and share them with you… [Read More...]
Best flour mills in Holland
A flour producing mill, especially the ones that produce the high quality organic flour that makes for wonderful bread, is something which we think should be sponsored by regular visits.
Almost every… [Read More...]
WKB croissant making log
In 2010 we bravely started our quest for the perfect croissant. But after two attempts we cowardly sneaked away again. The first attempt was just a disaster. I believe we used a recipe by Michel Roux, so we probably cannot blame the recipe. [Read More...]
The myth of double in size +tips!
In lots of bread baking recipes you will encounter a line like this; ‘Let shaped dough rise until it has almost doubled in size’.
The scientist in me always wonders what the recipe writer means. Does the writer of the recipe realize that a round shape, for instance the shape of a boule, can increase more than 8 times.. [Read More...]
Video: Shaping a boule
This little clip shows you how to shape your dough into a boule (round or ball shaped bread).
In the clip Ed uses the technique with a wholewheat sourdough / levain 68% hydration dough. The aim of this technique is to create tension on the outer… [Read More...]
Bread baking tips: Making the most of your oven
Your oven can make or break your carefully prepared loaves so it is wise to know the workings and sometimes quirky traits of your oven. These tips on temperature, thermostats, steam and stones might be helpful… [Read More...]
Make your own baking powder & self raising flour
For many years I used baking powder from the organic store. Then I got the idea to make it myself, just for the fun of it and also learn more about the how and why. Now I can make baking powder and self raising flour with my favorite organic flour for many bakes and… [Read More...]