We want to share some short clips with you of our pizza baking. Since we got our portable outdoor oven, we have been experimenting and baking different styles pizza and also pita bread. We are enjoying the swift baking and… [Read More...]
Bread movies
Video: How to ‘break in’ a new banneton
It is important to prepare your banneton before use to avoid dough sticking incidents, but above all to get great looking loaves! This is especially true… [Read More...]
Video: Making No Knead Brioche
This video shows us making French brioche, the no knead way. This simple method generates a brioche with buttery and subtle sweet taste, with a wonderful crumb structure. Novice and maybe somewhat lazy bakers will also enjoy making this… [Read More...]
Video: Making & Baking Classic French Croissants
This video shows us making classic French style croissants, largely following recipe by Jeffrey Hamelman.
It also contains a time lapsed oven shot of the baking of the croissants! [Read More...]
Video: Shaping a boule
This little clip shows you how to shape your dough into a boule (round or ball shaped bread).
In the clip Ed uses the technique with a wholewheat sourdough / levain 68% hydration dough. The aim of this technique is to create tension on the outer… [Read More...]
Video: The Stretch & Fold Method
A little clip demonstrating stretching and folding bread dough. The stretch and fold method helps to gently develop the gluten in your dough. It works very well with these higher hydration doughs. We like the technique very much because although you get to use your hands and feel the dough, it is… [Read More...]
Video: Rise of the Rye Sourdough Starter
This little clip shows an 8 hour time laps in 45 seconds, so you can see what happens with the culture during this time. [Read More...]
Video: Baguette 80% hydration
This movie shows me making baguettes with a 80% hydration dough without mixing and only using autolyse and the stretch and folds technique to strengthen the dough. [Read More...]
Video: Baking Pain Rustique – The Movie
Enjoy the real life ‘oven spring’ of this ‘Pain Rustique’ bread filmed in our Rofco hearth bread oven (full HD)… [Read More...]