These festive muffins are great to bake for a Christmas morning breakfast. I especially love the moistness and the surprise, because every bite gives you a different combination of tastes and textures. I ‘invented’ these muffins because I wanted to use my home made candied orange peel and sweet marzipan. Together with the red cranberries and not forgetting… [Read More...]
Sweet baking
Lemon Curd
This is my favorite recipe for making lemon curd. Very easy and fun to make and delicious. I sometimes make half of this recipe and also use the curd as a filling for pies and tartelettes. [Read More...]
Apple Fig Muffins
A perfect marriage between blushing apples from the north and sun drenched figs from the south. When cultures meet you often get beautiful combinations. Muffins to remember the summer and take in the goodness of winter. The smell is great, the taste even better. Ingredients for the Apple Fig Muffins makes 12 300 grams of […] [Read More...]
My Honey Fig Cookies
At night, in my sleep, I dream up recipes. These cookies came to me like flying angels with little wings. Light and delicate, buttery with a soft and sweet center. And I love the combination of crunchy and chewy. My goal is the perfect marriage of taste and texture. These cookies are on the road […] [Read More...]