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Surprised you just don’t seem to get the baking results you are aiming for? Take a look at our list. Did you take all these things into account or did you just wing it? [Read More...]
bread baking tips
Tips & tricks for bread oven & other stone oven users
Klik hier voor de Nederlandse versie
Having a few years of stone oven usage under our belts we thought it would be useful to gather a few tips and tricks about the use and cleaning of these ovens and share them with you… [Read More...]
The myth of double in size +tips!
In lots of bread baking recipes you will encounter a line like this; ‘Let shaped dough rise until it has almost doubled in size’.
The scientist in me always wonders what the recipe writer means. Does the writer of the recipe realize that a round shape, for instance the shape of a boule, can increase more than 8 times.. [Read More...]
Tips on dough temperature
One thing we learned during our baking adventures is to keep an eye on the temperature of the dough.
In our micro bakery the temperature fluctuates between 13C/55F in the winter and 26C/79F and upwards during summer. Believe me, this temperature difference has a big impact on the end result of your loaf. [Read More...]
Artisan bread baking tips: Poolish & biga
There are several traditional methods for creating starters for breads. All of these starters are easy to prepare… [Read More...]