The shape of this little French cake is said to derive from the traditional rectangular mold, which resembles a bar of gold. This recipe is basic, but oh so good (the simple things usually are). You can add all kinds of… [Read More...]
Croûte d’abricots with lavender & honey
This recipe is very close to my heart. I have been making it in various shapes and sizes for some years now. It is a classic combination of ingredients that make you… [Read More...]
Holiday baking: Cranberry rondo’s
This is my Christmas version of the famous Dutch ‘appelrondo’s’ (apple round cakes). They are fun to make and nobody will mind eating them, I can promise you. Outside the… [Read More...]
Homemade Rondo’s & Kano’s
Everybody in Holland knows these cakes. A rondo is round and a kano is… shaped like a canoe! The important thing is they are equally delicious. Think Dutch apple pie texture for the dough with a soft rich almond filling. The same as… [Read More...]
Madeleines : A Recipe that Works!
Ah, the madeleine, the illusive shell shaped petit cake from the French Loire region. Cakes, breads or cookies, the most important thing is finding that firm base of a good recipe. And we think we found it when… [Read More...]
Cranberry Jam Tarts with ‘Pasta Frolla’
When I first heard the name ‘pasta frolla’ I just knew I had to make it for the simple reason that it sounds absolutely wonderful and delicious. And it is! In fact, it is one of my favorite pastry doughs. This Italian take on [Read More...]
Delicate Jam Filled Almond Shortbreads
I don’t know if you have to be a girl to truly appreciate a tea party with dainty little cakes and cookies. I do know that men have no problem eating these little jam filled gems, no matter how they are presented. When I discovered the rose petal and quince jelly I was delighted because this way they will be perfect for my rose themed tea party! [Read More...]