I was very intrigued when I saw the baguette recipe posted at the fresh loaf. Several tries and tweakings further, with lots of sharing and baguette debating with Akiko, I can say from the heart that this recipe lives up to it’s expectations… [Read More...]
Kaiser Brötchen / Kaiser rolls
Think sweet smelling soft crumb and thin crispy crust, these rolls are on the other side of the artisan bread baking spectrum. But they deserve their place in your warm, fresh-out-of-the-oven home-baked… [Read More...]
Baguette boules: The BB recipe
For people who, for various reasons, cannot or will not make baguettes, this bread is a great alternative! And you do not need a mixer. The end result is great, the crumb is moist, lovely and sweet like the baguette, but the shape allows you to have a nice sandwich… [Read More...]
Our ‘ciabatta-focaccia’
Imagine making a dough that looks like pancake batter, but acts like silky bread dough. Imagine a bread moist and tender and velvety in your mouth.
We think making our focaccia with this ciabatta dough was one of the better baking ideas we had over… [Read More...]
Brioche: The no knead version
Klik hier voor de Nederlandse versie
I tried several version of this recipe, each with just tiny changes because the first version I tried already turned out quite perfect. Except for one thing: The crumb needed just a little bit of help to get it from a slightly … [Read More...]
Our other french baguette recipe
This method is easier, the recipe has less steps, the dough is less wet than our 80% hydration baguette recipe, and yet this one also yields wonderful baguettes. If you were to … [Read More...]
Our ‘Perfect Christmas’ Stollen
Our Christmas stollen bread recipe is very dear to us. It is not one to impress with an extensive list of ingredients. It is not overstuffed with candied fruits and nuts. No, our stollen is all about taste and the optimum ratio between filling and bread and staying true to the taste we know and love from our childhood. [Read More...]
Basic Pizza Dough Recipe
Always looking forward to making pizza during the weekend. Be it classic with mozzarella and tomatoes, or my favorite alternative with pear and taleggio cheese. Of course making your own pizza dough is the way to go… [Read More...]
No Knead: Muesli Whole Grain Spelt Loaves with Cherries & Pistachios
I like to wake up slowly and make my breakfast in a relaxed way, not in a hurry. But sometimes you look at the clock and you know you have to fly and you know you’re off to a bad start. Grabbing something along the way usually results in horrible food choices at gas stations! That’s one of the reasons I came up with… [Read More...]
Favorite Flatbreads: My Version of Soft Polar Bread
A few years ago I had braces (yes I was very late) and for over a year crusty baguettes weren’t compatible with me. I was more comfortable with soft foods and things I could drink with a straw. That year we visited Norway and I found this wonderful soft bread in a Coop supermarket, which at the time was like walhalla. It was called polarbröd and it turned out to be… [Read More...]