If you you are not stressed for time and are looking for maximum taste, try and make my favorite pizza dough, using a poolish preferment. A poolish is made in a minute, the only thing is you have to think in advance… [Read More...]
Our Recipe for Veggie Danish
This recipe is of our own invention but these buns are very much inspired by our visit to the Eden Bakery at the Eden project in Cornwall. After failing to find any kind of recipe for them, we started experimenting and came up with our own version of this savory concoction. The possibilities for the filling are endless… [Read More...]
Making a Crusty White Loaf
I believe there are few things more rewarding than baking bread. The dough, the smell, the cracking of the crust, the warm oven. Eat this loaf while it’s still warm with fresh dairy butter and soft dark brown sugar. I love making this bread with fresh yeast. Use 20 grams of fresh instead of the […] [Read More...]
Swiss Twisted Bread – Wurzelbrot / Pain Tordu
We saw this Swiss bread being made by a German baker on UK TV. The ‘wurzel’ refers to the fact that the bread resembles winding tree roots. These loaves looked like a lot of fun and as it turned out quite … [Read More...]
White Buns with a Poolish
Buns with poolish: use less yeast, get more flavor and good texture For this recipe we are going to make a starter named a Poolish. A Poolish is a type of wet sponge usually made with an equal weight of water and flour and an extremely small amount of yeast and NO salt. Making a […] [Read More...]
Tomato & Basil Focaccia
We tend to use rather less than more salt in our breads. It is just not necessary because the bread is allowed to develop so much taste that too much salt would just spoil it. But there are exceptions, pizza for example benefits from a salty crust and so does this tomato and basil focaccia… [Read More...]