Focus on home and the people we love. No more answers to baking questions for a while!
Dear Weekend Bakery Friends,
The past months we took a break from posting recipes and answering comments on our Weekend Bakery site.
Due to different events our priorities shifted and we needed to focus on what matters most and gave attention to our family and people who need us.
Of course we kept baking for ourselves and other people close to us.
Our recipes, tips and comments where and will stay available to everybody.
We hope to continue our baking and sharing because it’s what we love.
Enjoy your baking and stay happy and healthy!
Marieke & Ed
Weekend Bakery
L says
Thank you for all your work. I have learnt a lot from you!
Najlaa says
When baking croissants, do we need moisture in the oven?
Bob says
I’m back at WKB for another batch of Spelt Oat Buns and perhaps some other tasty recipe. Hope you and your family are well and looking forward to your return!
Tayfun Ertan says
Good luck, hope things will get better,
I’ll be here when u get back alongside many others i am sure
Thank u
G. Pliego says
Good luck! God bless you. Thank you, so much! 🍀
Carie says
I love your unique style of writing, your photos, your explanation of techniques and why ingredients are added to specific types of recipes. You have a gift, not only of baking but of teaching. I look forward to upcoming posts but for now, focus on your health and family.
Henriette says
Wishing you well!
Zanzoona says
Hello 👋 my dearest friends, I’m Zanzoona from Damascus of Syria, do you remember me? It’s been a very long time since we talked here last time! How’s your health and safety, wish you all the best and all the happiness for you and your family and pets too..
Waiting for your new recipes..
Take care..
Bye bye 👋
Weekend Bakers says
Thank you all so very much for your very uplifting and heartwarming comments!
Ed & Marieke
Mary White says
I stumbled on your recipe for PATISSERIE CREME by accident. I was looking for who invented “creme horns”. Your Pinterest recipe came up, and I started to read all the comments and then your biography. Wow!! I was amazed. After I saved your recipe I went looking for you online and I found you which was quite wonderful. I read you are taking time off to concentrate on your family which is very important. I will be going through all your recipes and trying them out. The year 2020 has been very stressful for everyone. I hope the year 2021 will be better for you and the entire world and all your readers. I will be honored to see you again this coming year if things improve. God Bless you and your family. Sincerely, Mary White, La Crosse, Wisconsin USA
Lieve says
And quite right too!
Many thanks for your excellent guidance .
Allerbeste wensen .
Blijf gezond en gelukkig !
Glasgow/ Scotland
Hugo van Nijnatten says
Got it. Take care.
Luisa says
Your expertise has been a staple for my family. We all enjoyed your recipes, so I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and wish you a joyous Holiday Season. All the best!
Luisa-Verona Italy
Lilian says
Wishing you & your family all the very best for 2021.
Thank you for your wonderful recipes, and enjoy your well-deserved break!
lauretana says
Best wishes to you and your loved ones. And thank you so much for all you have taought us and, hopefully, will continue to teach us.
Rebecca says
Dear Ed and Marieke,
All the best to you both in these difficult times. Thanks for all the recipes and help so far, you’ve made an avid sourdough baker of me! 🙂
hartelijke groet,
Giuseppe says
Dear Ed & Marieke,
Hope all is ok and you will be bava soon. Your blog guided me on my first Dutch breads and I still study most of your recipes.
Looking forward to see you back in 2021 with many new recipes
Charlie Tsang says
Marieke & Ed
Dank voor jullie inspanningen op jullie voortreffelijke site! Dank zij jullie is het nu min of meer traditie bij ons dat we iedere Zondag morgen een vers gebakken croissant voor ontbijt hebben.
Sterkte toegewenst in de komende tijd.
Arnie says
I hope everything is all OK in these very trying times.
Many thanks for all the help over the years. My baking skills have really improved since finding your site. And as for making sourdough, it never work until I read your guides.
All the best for the New Year
Weekend Bakers says
Thank you Arnie,
We hope to be back with new energy and inspiration.
May the New Year bring all that you wish for including lots of baking joy!
Ed & Marieke
Zoe says
Thank you so much for this wonderful website, which has helped me so much with all sorts of things! I wish you a very healthy and happy holidays. 🤗
Weekend Bakers says
Same to you Zoe, thank you so much!
Anke says
Dag Marieke en Ed, veel dank voor jullie royaal gedeelde kennis en ervaringen via deze website. Inspirerende recepten met overheerlijk resultaat. Het beste gewenst in jullie pauze en een goede start in het nieuwe jaar!
Weekend Bakers says
Dank voor je aardige woorden! Het doet ons goed 🙂
Ook een gezellige decembertijd en een gelukkige en gezonde start van het nieuwe jaar Anke.
Ed & Marieke
Robyn says
Thank you both for the love and attention you put into our baking, as well as your own. By sharing your knowledge and experience, you have enriched the lives (and the dough, haha!) of the many bakers in this Weekend Bakery family. May you continue to enjoy your own baking and life’s simple pleasures.
Weekend Bakers says
Thank you for these words of support and kindness Robyn.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season with family and loved ones and lots of baking!
Dário Righi says
Dear Marieke & Ed, I hope that my comments finds you well. There is a time that we need to look at the love ones. Thank you for your time and efforts to teach us delicious receipts and bakery tips.
Stay safe.
Weekend Bakers says
Thank you so much Dário for your comforting words.
Stay safe and healthy! All the best for you and your family.
Geert Vermeersch says
Marieke en Ed, veel goeie moed in deze donkere periode. Ik hoop dat er snel licht komt. We blijven bakken en hopen jullie snel weer aan boord te hebben (ik spreek precies in majestatische we, maar ik denk dat alle fans van deze website wel hetzelfde wensen).
Tot gauw,
Geert Vermeersch
Tielt, België
Weekend Bakers says
Heel veel dank Geert! Wij hopen op goede tijden en veel tijd om te bakken en delen.
Het gaat u goed!
Marieke & Ed
becky says
All the best to you as you pause and recharge. I really enjoy your site and have learned so much here – thank-you! As an ex-pat Californian living in Germany, all the tips/discussion around different types of flour have been especially helpful – I even have some printed out and hanging in our pantry! Wishing you rest and restoration, good health, and of course a peaceful holiday season.
Weekend Bakers says
Thank you Becky, same to you and hope to give some more inspiration in the future!
Christine says
Thanks for the site, it is nice to read all your recipes and comments. You are awesome for the devotion of sharing bread baking with others. Have a great and Merry Holidays.
Weekend Bakers says
Same to you Christine, thank you so much,
enjoy the Holidays and baking and stay safe!
Roger M. Zander says
Even if you never return you have left a bread baking education that is around as long as this thing we call the internet.
Thank you for you devotion to enhancing the bread baking skills of others.
Weekend Bakers says
Thank you so much Roger, all these kind words are so much appreciated.
Wishing you a wonderful Holiday season and happy baking and sharing with family and friends if possible these challenging times!
Ed & Marieke
Joseph Falcone says
In life, priorities must take precedence. Wishing & praying everyone at
Weekend Bakery stay safe & healthy.
Thanks for your excellent
Baking webb site.
Weekend Bakers says
Thank you so much mr. Falcone. We wish you health and happiness.
Ed & Marieke
Jeanette T says
Prayers coming your way. Take care of yourself and family. I’ll be baking with you in mind and in my heart as everyone loves your recipes that I bake.
Hugs to you so now Hug each other
Jeanette Tamburello Gates
Weekend Bakers says
Thank you! 🙂