Giving you our top tips to enhance your bread baking, based on our own experience. These rules have guided us and have helped us to improve our baking a lot over the years… [Read More...]
Search Results for: sourdough
Weekend fruit & nuts loaf : Our not so Kletzenbrot
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You could call this our version of a ‘kletzenbrot’ but without the ‘kletzen’. Kletzen is the Austrian word for a type of dried pear. We can highly recommend making it in the weeks leading up to Christmas. You can make a few loaves… [Read More...]
Making your own diastatic malt
Simply said; diastatic malt is a grain which has been sprouted, dried and grounded into a powder. Diastatic malt powder is the “secret ingredient” savvy bread bakers use to promote a strong rise, great … [Read More...]
2013: A Baking Year in Pictures
Last year we focused on croissants and baguettes, this year it was a balanced combination of sourdough and sweetness. Here are some pictures we were able to shoot, in between stretching and folding, whisking and… [Read More...]
Artisan bread baking tips: Dough mixing & kneading
Properly mixed dough is the first critical step to achieving great bread. Understanding what happens during the kneading process helps to determine if you are on the right track.
So, based on our own baking experience… [Read More...]
Our version of Tartine style bread
The last few months we have been making quite a lot of these loaves. We made them with tiny variations and alterations, experimenting with flour, water, times and temperature and above all quantities. We even developed a hybrid version for the baker in a bit of a hurry. [Read More...]
Zuurdesem Pitabroodjes
Eenvoud is de sleutel tot dit recept. Deze platte broden, uit alle hoeken van de wereld, of het nu naan, chapati, lavash, pita, of tunnbröd uit het hoge Noorden is, zijn bedoeld als… [Read More...]
Classic French croissant recipe
With this recipe we want to give you the exact directions on how we go about making classic French croissants. The recipe is an adaptation from the recipe… [Read More...]
A Flour Experiment part 2: Comparing Flour from Different Mills
Would using the same type of flour from different mills and sticking to exactly the same recipe, result in loaves basically looking and tasting the same? Or would there be difference enough to establish… [Read More...]
A Flour Experiment part 1
What happens if you take one recipe, use the same amount of ingredients and the same process and only change the brand of flour you use? We were curious to find out how much difference, in taste, texture and appearance, there would be between a bread made with… [Read More...]