About Us

This year we celebrate the 12 year anniversary of our WKB Web Shop!

We are Ed and Marieke from Holland. We are more than fervent home bakers. We have been loving our quest for good food and especially good bread for over 20 years. We are especially enthusiastic about the ‘artisan’ way of baking and want to share our own tried and tested recipes and tips.

We are proud to offer a range of bread baking tools that are perfect for the home baker and small bakeries. All bread baking tools are made within the European Union and of the highest quality. And there’s some very original sweet baking stuff too and great baking gifts. Come and take a look and get inspired to bake and share!

Ed & Marieke

PS: We do NOT partake in any form of dropshipping. Every item in our shop that you can order is on stock and available to send to you.

Our site with our own recipes and baking tips weekendbakery.com does not contain any advertising or (hidden) commercial collaborations. It is and will be our recipes and baking experience we want to share with you, nothing else.This is what brings us joy!

Contact information

Questions, comments, compliments or suggestions? We love hearing from you. Do not hesitate, climb into your pen or keyboard and write to us via info@weekendbakery.com or use the contact form. We ensure you receive a quick response.

If you are interested in purchasing larger quantities of certain products please ask us for a price quote.